Wednesday, 19 April 2017

Light at the End of the Tunnel


No matter what you're going through, there's a light at the end of the tunnel and it may seem hard to get to it but you can do it and just keep working towards it and you'll find the positive side of things. There's always a light at the end of the tunnel. 

What do you do when failure establishes itself as a permanent mountain and you see the world at a distance as it leaves you num.? And the source of your strength is crushed and your abilities and capabilities seem dim. Not realising any life in anything you do.

The only option out of the choices seems to be a D. Death

Trying suicide mostly resulted in Self finding.
Failure is part of life. It helps us in realising our faults, wrong decisions, and above all, the wrong attitudes we project in the face of life.

 The bitter truth is that , often times , people pay attention to the pains the failure(s) present to them than just turning to gaze at the lessons ( light) these failures come with.

The pains failure comes with kills the innate abilities, render them paralyzed and glued to the ground. When our radar is given the permission by our real self (innate self) to display on the mind’s screen, it displays only the failures of our lives.

 We tend to see no accepted future by ourselves and the other selves. This has trapped people in a lot of conditions: depression, dejectedness, despondence and so on.

But there is hope. Start seeing the light
(the lessons learnt from the failures).

Pay keen attention to the lessons failure drags along. Let those be your source of strength, stand up and move on.
The Good Book says ‘ I know thy works  ; behold , I have set before thee an open door, and no man can shut it ; for thou hast a little strength , and has not denied my name ‘ .(KJVLite ,  Rev. 3v 8)
That little strength, that ray of light is what you need to see. Pick yourself up.


Make a firm decision to overcome your weakness and follow the light. Let that light be your strength towards the realisation of your expected end.

Always remember (Jeremiah 29 v 11)

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