Wednesday, 29 March 2017

( The LIFESTYLEdeck ) About Your Next Bite : The dangers of fried food


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Deep-fried foods may be tasty, but they are definitely not healthy .Let’s look at it this way, most fried foods soak up nearly every drop of the vegetable oil, so eating fried chicken and pan pizza is like drinking oil straight from the vat…

Well is that not supposed to enrich my body with more vitamins and minerals?. Foods like French fries, onion rings, fried wantons and deep-fried chicken offer little in the way of nutritional value while putting you at higher risk for certain health conditions. However, you don't necessarily have to give them up totally to have a healthy diet.

 A little of cooking oil in your body won’t hurt . But making it a habit of eating too much food is the problem.
Too much oil increases your low-density or "bad" cholesterol. The inner portion of your arteries is meant to be smooth and free, but the build up from these saturated fats, cholesterol and trans fats can cause hard deposits (plaque) to form. Then, like a clog in a drain, your blood flow can become completely blocked and result in a heart attack or stroke, especially if a piece of the plaque breaks away.

Many restaurants fry foods in oils containing trans fats, and since many deep-fried foods are coated in batter, they absorb more fat than they would without the batter coating. Because of the high fat content, they are also high in calories, making it more likely you will eat more calories than you need and possibly gain weight.
If you eat a high-fat diet, you are also at higher risk for certain cancers and for obesity. Deep-fried foods also may contain acrylamide, a possible carcinogen, with foods fried at higher temperatures or for longer containing more than those fried for shorter times at lower temperatures

The closer your fat is to your heart, the more the heart is put under pressure. It's worse in the case of men because the belly is closer to the heart than the hips and thighs, as compared to women who are more likely to keep the fried foods "stored." That is one reason women have a longer life span than men on the average. It’s time we faced the facts and stopped deceiving ourselves because of our addictions to fried foods.

Fried foods clog arteries and lead to strokes and Alzheimer’s.

• Clogged veins and arteries cause heart attacks and aneurysms.

• Canola oil is one of the top 3 GMO products (genetically modified to contain pesticides) and is used by almost all restaurants and for nearly all fried products you find in stores.

• Canola oil (rapeseed oil) is synthetic and deprives cells of oxygen, causing emphysema and respiratory distress, eventually leading to cancer.

• Soy and soy by-products are almost all GMO.

• Corn oil and corn by-products (breading on almost everything) are also GMO and contain pesticide (

• Most fried foods contain MSG (toxic salts) to enhance "dead food" flavor

• Taking antacids makes things worse - prevents natural enzyme production by the body. It also adds bad calcium which is armour (protection) for parasites/infection.

• Most meats are from animals, fowl and "farm raised" fish that are loaded with hormones and antibiotics.

• Fried means inflammatory foods which create problems with joints.

• Arterial plaque increases blood pressure.

• Potatoes and most bread (buns/pizza crust/pitas/tortillas, etc.) soak up the canola oil and turn to sugar in the stomach.

• Modified, processed and fried foods don't break down in body properly; remaining in kidneys, liver, intestines, prostate and colon for extended periods of time, if not forever.

• Gluten (mutant food glue): Used for pizza crust, fried seafood, pre-prepped Chinese, corn dogs, crackers, pastries, cakes, and the list is a mile long.

• Sugar and carbs feed infection; makes you want more of the same; feeding the vicious cycle.

• Empty calories are totally void of nutrients, so the body keeps searching for anything of nutritional value. Feeling "full" wears off sooner.
Hey, but there is little cause for alarm . You can unclog your arteries without surgery or drugs.  You need to detoxify your blood and refortify organs if you've been eating fried foods for a while. Take plenty of organic B vitamins, and check into dandelion root and milk thistle. Periodic detoxification is like changing the oil in your car; it must be done .(
But as it is always the case, prevention is better than cure. Prepare and store healthy meals in the refrigerator so that when you are hungry, you don’t just grab any fatty food.
Use other methods of cooking like grilling, baking, broiling or sautéing .

Hey, but what if I can’t give up fried foods ?

You can make fried foods healthier. Use unsaturated oils to fry your foods, such as canola, corn, peanut, safflower, soybean or sunflower oil. Heat the oil to the proper temperature, as oil that isn't hot enough leads to increased fat absorption by the food.

Cut down the level of deep – fried foods intake. Saturated fat and trans fat in moderation with healthy foods like fruits and vegetables in your diet can be allowed once a while.

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