Tuesday, 2 May 2017

Appreciating the Little Things

I saw myself alone in my minds environment as I sat with my pupils during their discussion session.

I realised something. I saw that in as much as they are not all the same, something common runs through them.
They are all aiming to be better students.
But then, what makes them different from each other aside their levels of intelligence?
What makes others excel academically?
What makes others excel in their examinations than others?
I couldn’t waste time seeking theses answers. They just dropped on my mind.
Such individuals don’t fail to recognize smaller beginnings.
These pupils are such that they respect the little time, the little effort and the little resource within their reach.
They capitalise on the little enablement they find in their confinement.
I have come to realise that our society is full of great people great businessmen and successful people with potentials just like pupils in a classroom. But where are they?
They seem not be existing although they live among us. What is stopping them from unleashing their full potentials?
Well, the answer is quite simple. These people are all awaiting the special opportunity, that great moment and that genuine hour.
But in awaiting the perfect hour, they overlook the minutes.
They focus on the thousands letting go the pesewa.
Begin to appreciate and respect the little things. Those are the pivots to the greater things we yearn.
God always gives seeds.  Appreciating and caring for these seeds, germinates them into sweeter fruits.

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