Thursday, 6 April 2017

Managing negative mood swings
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Don't mix bad words with your bad mood. You'll have many opportunities to change a mood, but you'll never get the opportunity to replace the words you spoke.

So you began the day with a bad news or a terrible headache. Well, we all have our problems and how far we can really carry them. 

But the question is ‘how does your mood swing affect others?
Often times, we don’t really give attention to our actions and inactions when we are not in a good mood.

 But how you relate to others during this period is very critical.
Alright, you might not be in a good mood but you have no idea what the other person is going through as well. For all you know, they are also pretending to be okay with a smile of hope on their faces.

Hey, no one is saying you shouldn’t express how you feel. It’s just how you go about it. So transferring your bad mood to another person, making them victims of your mood swings is not the best.

I repeat, your victims might be going through a situation worse than you find yourself.

Don’t worsen their burden if you cannot make it any better. Everyone you meet is fighting his or her own battle. 

Just imagine if we were all adhering to our mood swings?? What would happen if we had everybody behaving just like you??
You have no excuse , be it a relationship issue, a family problem or a financial crisis. Just be mindful of how hard you hit others with 
your swing.

Sometimes a glass of water and nap is all you need for that headache or you only need a simple I am sorry to fix that relationship issue.

Don’t share your bad mood with others. Be the reason theirs is better. Be an inspiration. A least there is much more pride and dignity in that.