Friday, 31 March 2017

Your Blood Type Is As Unique To You As Your Fingerprint.


I took a blood type test three years ago. Well I was just doing it because I had to do it for a requirement into an institution. But that day changed my life. Perhaps you are just thinking that knowing your blood type will help you avoid the risk of incompatible blood transfusion. Hey, but that is not all. There is more to it than giving and taking blood. 

Have you ever wondered why your body reacts to some environment and weather condition in a bad way ?, Have  you ever  thought of the reason why some people tend to lose weight more easily, while for others, their weight is an ongoing battle ?

Or wondered why some people are plagued by chronic illness while others stay healthy and vital well into their advanced years. Very simple, the answer is in your blood type.

Knowing your blood type is an important tool for understanding how your body reacts to food, your susceptibility to disease, your natural reaction to stress, and so much more. A single drop of blood contains a biochemical makeup as unique to you as your fingerprint.

Let’s start from the basics …Your blood type is inherited from your parents and is determined by two factors: the ABO grouping system and the Rh factor. Starting with the ABO system, there are four blood groups: A, B, AB and O.

The type of blood you have is based on the presence or absence of antigens and antibodies in your blood
Antigens are proteins that stick to the surface of your red blood cells, while antibodies are produced in the plasma or liquid portion of the blood

The type of antigen you have tells us what your blood type is. For example, if you have A antigens on your blood cells, your blood type is A. If someone has both A and B antigens, they are type AB. And if you do not have any antigens, your blood type is O
For each antigen on the blood cell, the opposite antibody is produced in the plasma. For example, type B blood has anti-type A antibodies.

In addition to the ABO typing system, your blood type is also determined by the presence or absence of another antigen known as the Rh factor.

Rhesus (Rh) factor is an inherited protein found on the surface of red blood cells. If your blood has the protein, you're Rh positive. If your blood lacks the protein, you're Rh negative. Now we are getting somewhere.
For example, if you are Rh-negative and have A-type blood, you are A-negative; if you have B-type blood and are also Rh-positive, you are B-positive.

Now lets just look at three of the important reasons why we need to know our blood types.

Your Blood Type Affects Your Diet

Your blood type antigens are not just in your blood," says Dr. D'Adamo. "They are everywhere in your body, particularly in the surfaces that interact with the environment. These include your digestive tract, from your mouth to your large intestine, as well as your nasal passages and lungs. Because these blood type antigens are everywhere, they influence how your body reacts to the food you eat through several factors. 

Additionally, the foods we eat have lectins, which are blood type-specific proteins in certain foods that bind to your blood type antigen and cause your blood to agglutinate (stick together), resulting in feelings of fatigue, headaches, digestive issues, skin issues, and a host of other health issues. According to Connect, some experts – like Dr. Peter J. D’Adamo – believe that blood type can determine a person’s ideal diet. 

This is reportedly the reason why different people have different weight loss results while following the same diet. In particular, people with Type O blood supposedly thrive on protein-rich diets while those with Type A blood do better on vegetable-heavy diets


Knowing Your Rh Blood Type Is Also Important For Pregnant Women.

If a woman is Rh-negative and pregnant with a baby who is Rh-positive, it can lead to a condition known as Rh-incompatibility. If the blood of the Rh-positive baby mixes with the mother’s, it can trigger the production of antibodies against the baby’s blood known as Rh-sensitization.

 In general, the production of these antibodies will not affect the baby during the pregnancy where sensitization occurred, but future pregnancies with Rh-positive babies can lead to a fatal outcome for the baby. 

To avoid this risk, women need to check their blood types early in pregnancy. If she is Rh-negative, she receives a shot called immunoglobulin which prevents antibody production and sensitization.

Reveal What Exercise Will Actually Help You

Need a new exercise routine? Connect reports that your blood type can also indicate the best exercise for you. Type A rocks with tai chi and yoga while Type O can handle more strenuous exercise. Type AB gets the best of both worlds: People with this blood type do well with demanding activities like running and calming ones like meditation. This is not to say that Type Os who do yoga will suffer negative effects. Instead, you might simply react better to other forms of exercise……

Surprisingly, research has shown that out of three people only one person is likely to know his or her blood type. Getting your blood tested means increasing your lifespan. Get tested today, add value to your life 


 Sources Of This Article :

Thursday, 30 March 2017

Save The Sea

The greatest threat to our planet is the belief that someone else will save it.
~ Robert Swan
Photo Credit :

Did you know that the global fish production exceeds that of cattle, sheep, poultry or eggs ? 

The sea provides the biggest source of wild or domestic protein in the world. Each year some 70 to 75 million tons of fish are caught in the ocean. Of this amount around 29 million tons is for human consumption.

Oceans absorb between 30% and 50% of the carbon dioxide produced by burning fossil fuel. Carbon dioxide is transported downwards by plankton. 

If the sea is this useful to life, then why do we repay nature this way? 

It has become a norm in some parts of Africa where feces, solid wastes, domestic wastewater and industrial wastes are openly and directly disposed into the sea.
Over 60% of the world's coral reefs are threatened as a result of pollution, sedimentation

Most of the debris in the ocean does not decompose and remain in the ocean for years. It uses oxygen as it degrades. As a result of this, oxygen levels go down. When oxygen levels go down, the chances of survival of marine animals like whales, turtles, sharks, dolphins, penguins for long time also goes down.

Animals can become trapped by  plastic or mistake it for food, slowly killing them over a long period of time. Animals who are most often the victims of plastic debris include turtles, dolphins, fish, sharks, crabs, sea birds, and crocodiles.

The Consequences On Human Life

Swimming at beaches with pollution in the water or in the sand can make you fall ill.

Children, the elderly and people with weakened immune systems are the most likely populations to develop illnesses or infections after coming into contact with polluted water, usually while swimming.

The most common illness associated with swimming in water polluted by sewage is gastroenteritis. It occurs in a variety of forms that can have one or more of the following symptoms: nausea, vomiting, stomach-ache, diarrhoea, headache or fever. Other minor illnesses associated with swimming include ear, eye, nose and throat infections. In highly polluted water, swimmers may occasionally be exposed to more serious diseases.

The consumption of seafood from contaminated sources could also be harmful to human health.

Animals from impacted food chain are then eaten by humans which affects their health as toxins from these contaminated animals gets deposited in the tissues of people and can lead to cancer, birth defects or long term health problems.
We also suffer if we look unconcerned . We all have a part to play.  Share to Save the Sea , Share to Save Nature , Share to Save Humanity.

Sources of this article includes: